*It is important to note, once you pull the trigger, or have a chance to pull the trigger that is your opportunity. We take pride in knowing that you’re coming to hunt with us because you feel confident that we’ll put you in the position to take a wild hog. One of the main reasons is because we keep minimal pressure on them. When a wild hog senses excessive pressure, they move on to the next branch or creek and may not return for quite some time. We like to get in, take care of business, then get out.
Thermal drone recovery. We have all been there. He walks out, our heart starts pounding. All we can think about is shoot, shoot, shoot. Rather than taking our time, we rush into it. Whether it’s not breathing correctly, or proper grip, we pull the gun anticipating recoil and put a bad shot on our target. We have a continuous blood trail that seems like it goes for miles. Now, with state of the art technology, we are launching a highly more efficient way to track and find your trophy.
For more information contact Richard Sasser @ 919-738-0143.